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使用 ofetch 接收 Server-Sent Events(SSE)

Posted on:2024-02-29 at 09:50

为了实现 AI 输出的打字机效果,需要用到 Server-Sent Events 传输数据,它和 WebSocket 一样都是持久化连接,不同的是它只能从服务器到客户端单向传输数据。

大部分浏览器提供了 EventSource 来发起 SSE 请求,但是它并不好用。使用 ofetch 同样可以实现,但是需要做一些封装,最后可以实现这样的效果:

// 自定义的业务数据
interface Item {
x: number;
// fetchStream 是我们封装的调用
const stream = await fetchStream<Item>(
method: 'POST',
body: {...},
// 获取 SSE 数据
for await (const chunk of stream) {

下面是具体实现,参考了 OpenAI SDK

import { ofetch, type FetchOptions } from "ofetch";
type Bytes = string | ArrayBuffer | Uint8Array | Buffer | null | undefined;
class StreamError extends Error {}
type ServerSentEvent = {
event: string | null;
data: string;
raw: string[];
export const fetchStream = async <Item>(url: string, options?: FetchOptions) => {
const stream = await ofetch<ReadableStream<Uint8Array>>(url, {
responseType: "stream",
if (!stream) {
throw new StreamError(`Attempted to iterate over a response with no body`);
return Stream.fromSSEResponse<Item>(stream, new AbortController() /* TODO */);
class Stream<Item> implements AsyncIterable<Item> {
controller: AbortController;
private iterator: () => AsyncIterator<Item>,
controller: AbortController
) {
this.controller = controller;
static fromSSEResponse<Item>(readableStream: ReadableStream, controller: AbortController) {
let consumed = false;
const decoder = new SSEDecoder();
async function* iterMessages(): AsyncGenerator<ServerSentEvent, void, unknown> {
if (!readableStream) {
throw new StreamError(`Attempted to iterate over a response with no body`);
const lineDecoder = new LineDecoder();
const iter = readableStreamAsyncIterable<Bytes>(readableStream);
for await (const chunk of iter) {
for (const line of lineDecoder.decode(chunk)) {
const sse = decoder.decode(line);
if (sse) yield sse;
for (const line of lineDecoder.flush()) {
const sse = decoder.decode(line);
if (sse) yield sse;
async function* iterator(): AsyncIterator<Item, any, undefined> {
if (consumed) {
throw new Error("Cannot iterate over a consumed stream, use `.tee()` to split the stream.");
consumed = true;
let done = false;
try {
for await (const sse of iterMessages()) {
if (done) continue;
if ("[DONE]")) {
done = true;
if (sse.event === null) {
let data;
try {
data = JSON.parse(;
} catch (e) {
console.error(`Could not parse message into JSON:`,;
console.error(`From chunk:`, sse.raw);
throw e;
if (data && data.error) {
throw new StreamError(`${data.error}`);
yield data;
done = true;
} catch (e) {
// If the user calls `stream.controller.abort()`, we should exit without throwing.
if (e instanceof Error && === "AbortError") return;
throw e;
} finally {
// If the user `break`s, abort the ongoing request.
if (!done) controller.abort();
return new Stream(iterator, controller);
[Symbol.asyncIterator](): AsyncIterator<Item> {
return this.iterator();
function readableStreamAsyncIterable<T>(stream: any): AsyncIterableIterator<T> {
if (stream[Symbol.asyncIterator]) return stream;
const reader = stream.getReader();
return {
async next() {
try {
const result = await;
if (result?.done) reader.releaseLock(); // release lock when stream becomes closed
return result;
} catch (e) {
reader.releaseLock(); // release lock when stream becomes errored
throw e;
async return() {
const cancelPromise = reader.cancel();
await cancelPromise;
return { done: true, value: undefined };
[Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
return this;
class LineDecoder {
// prettier-ignore
static NEWLINE_CHARS = new Set(['\n', '\r', '\x0b', '\x0c', '\x1c', '\x1d', '\x1e', '\x85', '\u2028', '\u2029']);
static NEWLINE_REGEXP = /\r\n|[\n\r\x0b\x0c\x1c\x1d\x1e\x85\u2028\u2029]/g;
buffer: string[];
trailingCR: boolean;
textDecoder: any; // TextDecoder found in browsers; not typed to avoid pulling in either "dom" or "node" types.
constructor() {
this.buffer = [];
this.trailingCR = false;
decode(chunk: Bytes): string[] {
let text = this.decodeText(chunk);
if (this.trailingCR) {
text = "\r" + text;
this.trailingCR = false;
if (text.endsWith("\r")) {
this.trailingCR = true;
text = text.slice(0, -1);
if (!text) {
return [];
const trailingNewline = LineDecoder.NEWLINE_CHARS.has(text[text.length - 1] || "");
let lines = text.split(LineDecoder.NEWLINE_REGEXP);
if (lines.length === 1 && !trailingNewline) {
return [];
if (this.buffer.length > 0) {
lines = [this.buffer.join("") + lines[0], ...lines.slice(1)];
this.buffer = [];
if (!trailingNewline) {
this.buffer = [lines.pop() || ""];
return lines;
decodeText(bytes: Bytes): string {
if (bytes == null) return "";
if (typeof bytes === "string") return bytes;
// Node:
if (typeof Buffer !== "undefined") {
if (bytes instanceof Buffer) {
return bytes.toString();
if (bytes instanceof Uint8Array) {
return Buffer.from(bytes).toString();
throw new StreamError(
`Unexpected: received non-Uint8Array (${}) stream chunk in an environment with a global "Buffer" defined, which this library assumes to be Node. Please report this error.`
// Browser
if (typeof TextDecoder !== "undefined") {
if (bytes instanceof Uint8Array || bytes instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
this.textDecoder ??= new TextDecoder("utf8");
return this.textDecoder.decode(bytes);
throw new StreamError(
`Unexpected: received non-Uint8Array/ArrayBuffer (${
(bytes as any)
}) in a web platform. Please report this error.`
throw new StreamError(
`Unexpected: neither Buffer nor TextDecoder are available as globals. Please report this error.`
flush(): string[] {
if (!this.buffer.length && !this.trailingCR) {
return [];
const lines = [this.buffer.join("")];
this.buffer = [];
this.trailingCR = false;
return lines;
class SSEDecoder {
private data: string[];
private event: string | null;
private chunks: string[];
constructor() {
this.event = null; = [];
this.chunks = [];
decode(line: string) {
if (line.endsWith("\r")) {
line = line.substring(0, line.length - 1);
if (!line) {
// empty line and we didn't previously encounter any messages
if (!this.event && ! return null;
const sse: ServerSentEvent = {
event: this.event,
raw: this.chunks,
this.event = null; = [];
this.chunks = [];
return sse;
if (line.startsWith(":")) {
return null;
let [fieldname, _, value] = partition(line, ":");
if (value.startsWith(" ")) {
value = value.substring(1);
if (fieldname === "event") {
this.event = value;
} else if (fieldname === "data") {;
return null;
function partition(str: string, delimiter: string): [string, string, string] {
const index = str.indexOf(delimiter);
if (index !== -1) {
return [str.substring(0, index), delimiter, str.substring(index + delimiter.length)];
return [str, "", ""];